(Part 4, Abattoir Practices, LPT)
HACCP concept in Abattoir Management
by Dr. Gopal Patra, Department of LPT, F/O-VAS, of WBUAFS
Description :
HACCP: A systematic approach to constructing a food safety program designed to reduce the risk of food borne hazards by focusing on each step of the food preparation process. A dynamic, proactive concept to ensure safe production of food products. Based on standard set of principles used by food producers, handlers.
Note: The following pdf is the LPT note of Abattoir Practices, Part 4 of BVSc & AH. *LPT-Livestock Product Technology.
Topics of the PDF file 'HACCP concept in abattoir management' :
What does HACCP stands for? / Definition HACCP / History of HACCP / Prerequisites / The 7 HACCP principle / Principle 1: Preform Hazard Analysis / Biological, Chemical, Physical Hazards Analysis / Principle 2: Decide Critical control Points / Principle 3: Determine Critical Limits / Principle 4: Establishment of Monitoring Procedures / Principle 5: Establish Corrective Actions / Principle 6: Establish Verification Procedures / Principle 7: Establish Record Keeping Procedures / Application of HACCP / Benefits of HACCP.
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