Factors modifying Drug effect and Dosage.

(Part 4, General Pharmacology, VPT)

Topic: Factors modifying the drug effect and dosage. Adverse Drug reactions, Drug Interaction.

Factors modifying Drug effect and Dosage

Factors modifying Drug effect and Dosage.


Drug effect refers to the normal spectrum of biological response evoked by a drug when used at a recommended dosage, dose or dose rate.

The positively co-relate factors modifying drug effect and drug dosage may be grouped as: 
  1. Physiological factors, e.g. species, age, sex and circadian rhythms 
  2. Genetic factors, e.g. intraspecies variations 
  3. Pathological factor, e.g. hepatic, renal or other dysfunctions
  4. Environmental factors, e.g. ambient conditions and dietary factors 
  5. Therapeutic factors, e.g. route and frequency of drug administration pharmaceutical factors and drug-drug interactions
Note: The following pdf is the VPT note of General PharmacologyPart 4 of BVSc & AH. *VPT- Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology.

Topics of the PDF file of 'Factors modifying Drug effect and Dosage' :

Introduction / Physiological Factors - Species, Age, Sex, Circadian Rhythm / Genetic Factors / Pathological Factors / Environmental Factors -  Ambient Conditions,  Dietary Factors / Therapeutic Factors - Route of Drug Administration,  Frequency of Drug Administration,  Pharmaceutical Factor, Drug-drug Interactions / Adverse Drug Reactions / Timing of Adverse Drug Reaction / Allergic Drug Reactions.

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Previous VPT notes of General Pharmacology are - General Pharmacology IntroductionPharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics etc. Hope the note will benefited you. Share with your Vet Friends and Family. For any query knock us. Stay tuned. Thank You. Happy Learning!
