(Part 1, General Veterinary Parasitology, VPA)
Topic: Parasitology: Introduction, Important historical landmarks, importance of parasitology in veterinary curriculum. Types of animal associations:(symbiosis, phoresy, commensalism, parasitism, mutualism and predatorism). Types of parasites: (ecto, endo, hyper, obligatory, facultative, stenoxenous, euryxenous, monoxenous, heteroxenous, histozoic, coelozoic, temporary, permanent, pseudo, aberrant, incidental, opportunistic, zoonotic, protelean etc.). Types of hosts: (definitive, intermediate, reservoir, paratenic, natural, unnatural, etc.) and vectors.
General Parasitology - Types of Parasites, Hosts, Vectors and Animal associations or Relationships
Topics of the PDF file of 'General Parasitology - Types of Parasites, Hosts, Vectors and Animal associations':
Introduction / Types of Animal Associations / Types of Parasites / Types of Hosts and Vectors / Terminology used in Parasitic Diseases / Host Parasite Relationship.
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