General Parasitology - Types of Parasites, Hosts, Vectors and Animal associations.

(Part 1, General Veterinary Parasitology, VPA)

Topic: Parasitology: Introduction, Important historical landmarks, importance of parasitology in veterinary curriculum. Types of animal associations:(symbiosis, phoresy, commensalism, parasitism, mutualism and predatorism). Types of parasites: (ecto, endo, hyper, obligatory, facultative, stenoxenous, euryxenous, monoxenous, heteroxenous, histozoic, coelozoic, temporary, permanent, pseudo, aberrant, incidental, opportunistic, zoonotic, protelean etc.). Types of hosts: (definitive, intermediate, reservoir, paratenic, natural, unnatural, etc.) and vectors. 

General Parasitology - Types of Parasites, Hosts, Vectors and Animal associations or Relationships

Types of Parasites, Hosts, Vectors and Animal associations or Relationships


Parasite, in general, is defined as "an animal or organism which lives in or upon another animal or organism and draws its nutrition directly from it" 

As such, all those organisms, whether they metazoans (helminths, arthropods) or protozoa or viruses, bacteria, fungi can be called Parasites. However, Parasitology today usually does not include virology, bacteriology and mycology, because these sciences have developed into independent disciplines. Therefore, in the present context, Parasitology concerned to helminths, arthropods and protozoa.

Note: The following pdf is the VPA note of (Unit 1) General Veterinary ParasitologyPart 1 of BVSc & AH. *VPA- Veterinary Parasitology.

Topics of the PDF file of 'General Parasitology - Types of Parasites, Hosts, Vectors and Animal associations':

Introduction / Types of Animal Associations / Types of Parasites / Types of Hosts and Vectors / Terminology used in Parasitic Diseases / Host Parasite Relationship.

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