(Unit 5- Communication and Extension Teaching Methods, VAHEE)
Topic: Communication and its functions. Basic concepts: communication fidelity, communication gap, time lag in communication, empathy, homophily and heterophily, propaganda, publicity, persuasion and development communication. Types of communication: Intrapersonal, interpersonal, verbal, non-verbal, vertical, horizontal, organizational communication etc. Elements of communication: Communicator, message, channel, treatment of message, audience, and audience response (feedback). Barriers of communication. Individual contact methods: Farm and home visit, farmer’s call, personal letter, adaptive or minikit trial, farm clinic etc. Group contact methods: Result demonstration, method demonstration, group meeting, training, field day or farmers’ day, study tour etc. Mass contact methods: Farm publications (leaflet, folder, pamphlet, booklet, bulletin, farm magazine, newsletter etc.), mass meeting, campaign, exhibition, newspaper, radio, television, mobile short message service. Selection and use of extension teaching methods.
Communication and Extension Teaching Methods
Topics of the PDF file of 'Communication and Extension Teaching Methods' :
Basic functions of communication / Basic concepts in communication / Types of communication / Models of communication / Elements of communication / Barriers of communication / Communication and Extension Teaching methods - Individual contact methods, Group contact methods, Mass contact methods / Selection and use of Extension Teaching Methods.
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