Microbiological deterioration of Milk and Milk Products.

(Part 5, Milk and Milk Products Technology, LPT)

Microbiological deterioration of Milk and Milk Products

by Prof. S Biswas & Dr. G Patra Department of LPT, F/O-VAS, WBUAFS

Microbiological deterioration of Milk and Milk Products


Note: The following pdf is the LPT note of (Unit 1) Milk and Milk Products TechnologyPart 5 of BVSc & AH. *LPT - Livestock Products Technology.

Topics of the PDF file of 'Microbiological deterioration of Milk and Milk Products' :

Introduction / Lactic acid bacteria / Pathogenic Microorganisms in Milk / Spoilage Microorganisms in Milk / Natural souring / Curdling (Lactic acids production) / Gas production / Ropiness, Sliminess / Proteolysis / Sweet Curdling / Lipolysis / Bitty cream / Off flavours / Abnormal colours of Milk (Discolourations).

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Microbiological deterioration of Milk