(Part 7, Milk and Milk Products Technology, LPT)
Preparation of Butter and Ghee
by Prof. S Biswas & Dr. G Patra Department of LPT, F/O-VAS, WBUAFS
Topics of the PDF file of 'Preparation of Butter and Ghee' :
Butter Definition / Butter According to the PFA rules (1976) / Classification of Butter / Composition of Butter / Method of manufacture of Butter / Neutralization of cream, Types of Nutralizers, Characteristics of Nutralizers / Churning / Factors influencing churnability of cream and body of fat / Operating the churn / Factors affecting fat loss in buttermilk / Washing, Salting, Working / Packaging and storage of butter / Over run in butter / Uses of butter.
Ghee Definition / Physico-chemical constants of Ghee / Methods of preparation of Ghee / Cooling and granulation (crystallization) of Ghee / Keeping quality of Ghee / Adulterants of Ghee / Defects in ghee / Uses of Ghee / Ghee Residue.Download this PDF from the arrow or
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