(Unit 3- Rural Sociology in Veterinary Extension, VAHEE)
Topic: Concept of sociology and rural sociology in animal husbandry extension. Culture: definition, elements, change, impact on production systems. Basic sociological concepts - society, community and association. Rural society: characteristics and differences among society, community and culture. Characteristics and differences among tribal, rural and urban communities. Social control: concept and means of social control (techniques, folkways, taboos, mores and laws). Social stratification: definition, forms and characteristics (caste system and class system). Social institutions in rural society: Social, economic, political, religious and educational (definition, composition and function). Social change: concept, importance and factors. Social groups: different groups, classification of social groups and their characteristics. Leadership: definition, functions of leader, types of rural leaders, Key communicators and their role in the animal husbandry extension.
Rural Sociology in Veterinary Extension
Note: The following pdf is the VAHEE note of Unit 3- Rural Sociology in Veterinary Extension. *VAHEE- Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension Education.
Topics of the PDF file of 'Rural Sociology in Veterinary Extension' :
Sociology Meaning, Concepts / Concepts related to practice in Society / Importance of Rural Sociology / Rural Institution / Social Change / Factors of Social Change / Social Groups / Social Status / History and Evolution of Community Development / Extension Movements in India / Efforts of British Government / Community Projects.
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