Most Popular Buffalo Breeds of India.

Best Indian Buffalo Breeds :

        My dear friends here the discussion is about important buffalo breeds of India. Here we cover best 11 Indian buffalo breeds. By the way for your knowledge NBAGR (ICAR) declared 17 registered buffalo breeds present in India (latest information of 2018 census), before of that 16 breeds are in India that mean 1 new breeds are added by NBAGR. And of course you have to know buffalo population in India is 109.85 million (almost 11crore). India alone cover 50% of world buffalo population. The 6 buffalo breeds are not in this list are Marathwadi, Banni, Luit(swamp), Chhattishgari, Bargur and Gojri. You can check them on wikipedia or in NBAGR website. 

Most popular Indian Buffalo breeds.

1) Murrah :  


Home Tract : Punjab, Haryana, Delhi.

Distinguishing Feature : Coat colour is Jet black. Horns are tightly curved in a spiral form. Milk yield 1800 kg, fat 6.9-8.3%.

2) Nili Ravi : 

Nili Ravi

Home Tract : Punjab.

Distinguishing Feature : Coat colour normally black. White markings on forehead, face, muzzle, legs and tail. Horns are tightly coiled. Milk yield 1750 kg, fat 5-8%. 

3) Surti : 


Home Tract : Gujrat.

Distinguishing Feature : Coat colour rusty brown through grey to black. Horns are sickle shaped and directed downward and backward and upward on the tip. Milk Yield 1300 kg, fat 7.5-8.3%. 

4) Mehsana : 


Home Tract : Gujrat.

Distinguishing Feature : This breed considered to be a cross between Surti and Murrah. Coat colour is black or black brown. Horns are less curved than murrah and more curved than surti. Horns are like curly sickle shaped. Milk yield 1950 kg , Fat 5.2-9.5%. 

5) Jaffarabadi : 


Home Tract : Gujrat.

Distinguishing Feature : Coat colour normally black. Horns are usually emerge out by compressing the head, go downward, then upward and inward finally forming a ring like structure. Milk yield 2300 kg, fat 6.5-8.5%. 

6) Bhadawari : 


Home Tract : UP, MP.

Distinguishing Feature : Coat colour blackish cooper to light cooper. Two white lines marking 'chevron' present at lower side of neck. High fat percentage in milk (8-13%) but milk yield is very less almost 950kg.  

7) Nagpuri : 


Home Tract : MP, AP.

Distinguishing Feature : Coat colour black with white patches on face, legs, and tail tips. Horns are flat, curved and long carried back on side of the neck like a pair of swords. Milk Yield 1050 kg, fat 7-8.5%. 

8) Toda : 


Home Tract : Tamil Nadu.

Distinguishing Feature : Coat colour blackish or ash grey. Horns are long and usually wide apart, upward and then recurved inward like semicircle. Milk yield very low and fat 7.5-8%. 

9) Pandharpuri : 


Home Tract : Maharastra.

Distinguishing Feature : Coat color black. Horns are very long and extended beyond the shoulder sometime up to the pin bone as like two sword. Milk yield 1500 kg, fat 7%. 

10) Kala Handi : 

Kala handi

Home Tract : Odisha.

Distinguishing Feature : Coat colour blackish grey. Horns are long and horizontal going backwards, upwards, and inwards and are curved to make half circle appearance. 

11) Chilika : 


Home Tract : Odisha.

Distinguishing Feature : Coat colour brownish black or black. Horns are thin, medium sized and upward and inward. Small body size and small udder.

Here we cover the most popular Buffalo breeds. If you want to know about Indian Cattle Breeds follow the previous veterinary blog by click here. Thank You have a good day.