Different Commands in Disk Operating System.

(Part 15, Biostatistics and Computer Application, AGB)

Different Commands in Disk Operating System

by Dr. Uttam Sarkar, Department of Animal Genetics & Breeding, F/O-VAS, of WBUAFS 

Different Commands in Disk Operating System


DOS (Disk Operating System) was the first widely-installed operating system for personal computers. (Earlier, the same name had been used for an IBM operating system for a line of business computers.) The first personal computer version of DOS, called PC-DOS, was developed for IBM by Bill Gates and his new Microsoft Corporation. He retained the rights to market a Microsoft version, called MS-DOS. PC-DOS and MS-DOS are almost identical and most users have referred to either of them as just "DOS." DOS was (and still is) a non-graphical line-oriented command- or menu-driven operating system, with a relatively simple interface but not overly "friendly" user interface.

Note: The following pdf is the AGB note of (Unit 1) Biostatistics and Computer ApplicationPart 15 of BVSc & AH. *AGB - Animal Genetics and Breeding.

Topics of the PDF file of 'Different Commands in Disk Operating System' :  

Introduction / Commands of Disk Operating System (DOS) /  Directory or DIR command / Clear or CLS command / RENAME or REN command / Delete or DEL command /  ERASE command / DATE command / TIME command / Change directory or CD command / Make Directory or MD command / Remove directory or RD Command / COPY command / TYPE command / FORMAT command / DISKCOPY Command / Check disk or CHKDSK command.

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Different Commands in DOS