Fungal Zoonoses or Mycosis.

(Part14, Zoonotic Diseases, VPE)

Fungal Zoonoses or Mycosis (Superficial and Systemic Mycosis)

by Dr. Ripan Biswas, Department of VPE, F/O-VAS, of WBUAFS.

Superficial and Systemic Mycosis


Zoonotic fungi can be naturally transmitted between animals and humans, and in some cases cause significant public health problems. A number of mycoses associated with zoonotic transmission worldwide. 

fungal infection, also called mycosis, is a skin disease caused by a fungus. There are millions of species of fungi. They live in the dirt, on plants, on household surfaces, and on your skin. Sometimes, they can lead to skin problems like rashes or bumps.

Mycosis, in humans and domestic animals, a disease caused by any fungus that invades the tissues, causing superficial, subcutaneous, or systemic disease.

Note: The following pdf is the VPE note of Zoonotic DiseasesPart 14 of BVSc & AH. *VPE- Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology.

Topics of the PDF file of 'Fungal Zoonoses or Mycosis (Superficial and Systemic Mycosis)' :

Characteristics of Fungi / Mycotic Zoonoses / Superficial Mycosis / Dermatophytes, Tinea, Ringworm / Anthrophilic, Zoophilic, Geophilic / Diagnosis of Fungal Zoonoses or Mycosis / Systemic Mycosis / Aspergillosis or Farmer’s Lung Disease, Histoplasmosis or Darling's disease, Blastomycosis Gilchrist Disease, Coccidioides immitis Valley Fever or California Disease, Cryptococcus Neophormans, Candidiasis etc.

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Previous VPE notes of Zoonotic Diseases are - Zoonotic Diseases IntroductionEmerging & ReemergingBrucellosisTuberculosis,  LeptospirosisListeriosisRabiesJapanese EncephalitisInfluenzaCrimean Congo Haemorrhagic Fever (CCHF)Nipah virus EncephalitisEbola virus Infection, Plague etc. Hope the note will benefited you. Share with your Vet Friends and Family. For any query knock us. Stay tuned. Thank You. Happy Learning!
Public Health