(Part 7, Drugs acting on CNS, VPT)
Topic: Drugs acting on Somatic Nervous System - Local Anaesthetics. (According to the syllabus of VCI this Topic is under Unit 3, Drugs acting on CNS but you have to know Local Anaesthetics are the drugs which are acting on Somatic Nervous System)
Local Anaesthetics
Topics of the PDF file of 'Drugs acting on Somatic Nervous System - Local Anaesthetics' :
Terminology related to Local Anaesthesia / Qualities of Ideal Local Anaesthetics / General Indications / Classification of Local Anaesthetics / Structural Features of Local Anaesthetics / Pharmacokinetics of Local Anaesthetics / Factors affecting Local Anaesthetic Action / Control measures of Local Anaesthesia / Classical Local Anaesthetics / Local Anaesthetics with rare applications / Clinical applications of local anaesthetics.
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Previous VPT notes of 'Drugs acting on Central Nervous System' are Anaesthesia, Anasthetics, Hypnotics and Sedatives, Psychotropic Drugs, Opioid Analgesics and Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAID), CNS Stimulants etc. Hope the note will benefited you. Share with your Vet Friends and Family. For any query knock us. Stay tuned. Thank You. Happy Learning!