Tests of Significance : t-test, Z-test, Chi-square test and F-test.

(Part 8, Biostatistics and Computer Application, AGB)

Topic: Tests of Hypothesis - t and Z tests. Chi-square test. Analysis of Variance and F test of Significance.

Tests of Significance : t-test, Z-test, Chi-square test and F-test

Tests of Significance : t-test, Z-test, Chi-square test and F-test.


t Test: Hypothesis testing for small sample size. Z test: Hypothesis testing for Large sample. Chi-square Test: Test of Significance to determine the difference observed and expected frequencies of certain observations. F test: Hypotheses of interest are about the differences between population means.

Note: The following pdf is the AGB note of (Unit 1) Biostatistics and Computer ApplicationPart 8 of BVSc & AH. *AGB - Animal Genetics and Breeding.

Topics of the PDF file of 'Tests of Significance : t-test, Z-test, Chi-square test and F-test' :

Introduction -Null Hypothesis and Alternate Hypothesis / Different Tests of Significance - Parametric (t, Z, Chi-square and F test) and Non Parametric Test / Statistical Procedure followed in any Test for Significance / Large sample test or Z test / Small Sample Test or T test / Non Paired or Unpaired 't' Test / Chi-Square Test / F test or Variance Ratio Test.

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You will find almost all the Veterinary Notes fully free in PDF format from "BVSc & AH Notes" corner of E-Learning in this website. Previous AGB notes of Biostatistics are Classification, Tabulation and Presentation of DataMeasures of Central TendencyMeasures of DispersionProbabilityMoments, Skewness and KurtosisCorrelation and Regression, Sampling Methods etc. Hope the note will benefited you. Share with your Vet Friends and Family. For any query knock us. Stay tuned. Thank You. Happy Learning!
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