Types and Conversions of Number System.

(Part 17, Biostatistics and Computer Application, AGB)

Number Systems, Base Conversions and Computer Data Representation

by Dr. Uttam Sarkar, Department of Animal Genetics & Breeding, F/O-VAS, of WBUAFS

Types and Conversions of Number System


Numbers can be represented in a variety of ways. The representation depends on what is called the BASE. There are 4 types of Number System - Decimal, Binary, Octal and Hexagonal.

Note: The following pdf is the AGB note of (Unit 1) Biostatistics and Computer ApplicationPart 17 of BVSc & AH. *AGB - Animal Genetics and Breeding.

Topics of the PDF file of 'Types and Conversions of Number System' : 

Different types of Number system - Decimal, Binary,  Octal, Hexadecimal / Conversions of Number System -  Decimal to Binary or Binary to Decimal,  Decimal to Octal (or Hexadecimal) or Octal (or Hexadecimal) to Decimal, Binary to Octal or Octal to Binary,  Binary to Hexadecimal or Hexadecimal to Binary. 

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Number System