Design of Experiment - CRD and RBD.

(Part 9, Biostatistics and Computer Application, AGB)

Topic: Design of Experiment - Completely randomized Design (CRD) and Randomized Block Design (RBD).

Design of Experiment - CRD and RBD

Design of Experiment - CRD and RBD


Planning or investigating an experiment of any problem to obtain appropriate data is called Design of Experiment. In CRD the treatments are assigned completely and randomly so that the experimental unit get the same chance of receiving any one treatment. In CRD there is no Local control. RBD is the pressure of blocks of equal size which contain all the treatments. There is Replication, Randomization and Local Control.

Note: The following pdf is the AGB note of (Unit 1) Biostatistics and Computer ApplicationPart 9 of BVSc & AH. *AGB - Animal Genetics and Breeding.

Topics of the PDF file of 'Design of Experiment' : 

Introduction of Design of Experiments / Principle of Experiments - Randomization, Replication and Local Control / Completely randomized Design (CRD) / Randomized Block Design (RBD).

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You will find almost all the Veterinary Notes fully free in PDF format from "BVSc & AH Notes" corner of E-Learning in this website. Previous AGB notes of Biostatistics are Classification, Tabulation and Presentation of DataMeasures of Central TendencyMeasures of DispersionProbabilityMoments, Skewness and KurtosisCorrelation and RegressionSampling Methods, Tests of Significance etc. Hope the note will benefited you. Share with your Vet Friends and Family. For any query knock us. Stay tuned. Thank You. Happy Learning!